Friday, April 15, 2016

[Fedora Women] Re: Convincing Women's Groups

That's a fantastic idea Sara! (and your english is great)

I'm a geek female who barely code, but I'm into the graphic and translation world, have a geek husband who do code and we have a great relation where we even talk through irc (more than verbal). I find great the idea of showing girls that the IT world is more than just complicated code and, if they do like code, there are easier ways to start with that how we did years before.

I would also like to show that an IT women can also have a life. Many people think that It people gets stuck in a dark room without a life, which is really far from truth. Maybe some of us can share our experience of how we cope life with IT and communities so we can guide through example to those women who are initiating in this world.

It's fantastic to keep listening to so many great ideas! lets keep the work going!

2016-04-15 21:34 GMT-04:30 Sara Paula Aparicio <>:
I'm not too good with english, but I'm gonna try to explain me.
some girls doesn't like the computing world because they think that is only coding and code=difficult maybe sees like letters and numbers that are impossible to understand and takes a lot of years to learn.
the other thing is girls are worried by make up, boys, relationships or things that all other people is doing because is easy.
We need a beginners develop tools, like codecademy but on fedora.
I saw a documental called codegirl. the most of girls groups coding with color blocks not really typing all lines of code one per one and she participated in events in San Francisco. perhaps something like these it's atractive for them if we do public events focused on girls (boys too if they want) and learing with us in that moment the feel the fun on this beautiful world.
thanks and sorry for my bad grammar.
women mailing list

Maria Gracia Leandro
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