Monday, April 25, 2016

Unable to attend the meeting today; my take on the budget


I'll be on a train in the middle of nowhere tonight, so I won't be
able to make it to the council meeting.

Regarding the budget: For me, fF/hDI scenario sounds best, but frankly
speaking I'm not happy with it either. It's not that I don't like the
scenario, but the overall process. It's hard to vote on abstract
scenarios without knowing what they actually mean for the people. We
want to support some outreachy stuff, but do we actually have ideas
how to spend 5k? What events do we attend? Who will attend these

Ultimately, we want Fedora to be a flat hierarchy. Decisions-making
should happen bottom-up and on the lowest possible level. Scenarios on
the other hand seem very top-down.

FAmSCo has been working hard to delegate as much responsibility down
to the regions. This process has been working well and inspired people
to participate. Therefor I suggest we first look at what they request,
make some adjustments and once we know how much we need for regional
support, we know how much is left for FADs and Outreachy.

Best regards,
council-discuss mailing list
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