Here is a look at the logs as it happens
~ # tail -f /var/log/dirsrv/admin-serv/error
[Wed Jun 07 09:19:27 2017] [error] Could not bind as []: ldap error -1: Can't contact LDAP server
[Wed Jun 07 09:19:27 2017] [warn] Unable to bind as LocalAdmin to populate LocalAdmin tasks into cache.
[Wed Jun 07 09:19:27 2017] [notice] Access Host filter is: (*|*
[Wed Jun 07 09:19:27 2017] [notice] Access Address filter is: *
The /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/adm.conf shows that the ldapurl is still pointing at the old non-existent server.
cat /etc/dirsrv/admin-serv/adm.conf
sysuser: ldapuser
isie: cn=389 Administration Server,cn=Server Group,,,o=NetscapeRoot
SuiteSpotGroup: ldapuser
sysgroup: ldapuser
userdn: uid=admin,ou=Administrators,ou=TopologyManagement,o=NetscapeRoot
ldapurl: ldap://
SuiteSpotUserID: ldapuser
sie: cn=admin-serv-new-server-01,cn=389 Administration Server,cn=Server Group,,,o=NetscapeRoot
As a side not, the "" is not changing but the "sub-domain" is changing. ( vs.
I also thinking that there is no o=netscaperoot on this machine since it was originally registered to another (now non-existent) server.
If I am not able to re-register is to a new server, can I at least get its own admin server running? I would like to have console access to these machines again.
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