Tuesday, January 7, 2020

[389-users] Re: Need Migration assist, please

On 1/7/20 9:09 AM, Jeffrey Westgate wrote:
we are running "389-Directory/ B2017.101.1347" on a Scientific Linux 6.9 VM.  We have a 2 server cluster running, and have for several years, with very little intervention required.

we are wanting to move to RHEL8, and the latest (stable) 389DS

We have questions (as the existing system was set up by a late employee of immense knowledge of things computerized):
 - is the latest 389DS (stable version) compatible with RHEL8
 - how do we migrate the user database

Been looking through the documents, but I'm not finding much to help.

In the installation guide there are two methods for migrating, replication and export/import:


Now there are no significant differences between 1.2.11 and 1.4.x that require any special migration steps.  You just need to prepare/configure the new RHEL 8 server to match your old server prior to migration.  Using the replication method you don't really have any downtime, so this is the preferred path, but both techniques work fine.



UNIX/Linux admin

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