Sunday, January 12, 2020

[fedora-arm] Re: odroid hc2 mismatch between uboot and kernel dtb name

> The uboot version from package: uboot-images-armv7-2019.10-2.fc31.noarch
> (uboot/odroid-xu3) expects the dtb file for a odroid hc2 to be named:
> exynos5422-odroid.dtb
> but the kernel provides exynos5422-odroidhc1.dtb

There's no upstream kernel hc1 DT. It looks like upstream support for
HC1/HC2 in U-Boot is part of the odroid-xu3 build, the support for the
HC2 was added 14th Oct 2018 and states "The linux kernel does not
provide a hc2 DTB so the hc1 DTB is also used for the Odroid HC2"

> so a symlink needs to be created manually.
> this, if i'm not entirely mistaken, was fixed when i used fedora 30.
> as i remember it there was a patch for uboot added that properly detected the
> hc2 and then loaded the right filename (hc1 since they are the same)
> i don't remmeber if i had to build my own uboot or not.

From a Fedora PoV there were no extra patches for any of the odroid
stuff in either Fedora 30 or later so I suspect that was something you
built yourself.

> but since it was such a long time ago i expected any needed patches to have
> made it in to uboot distributed by fedora by now.
> but apparently not.
> the fix is easy if you know it needs fixing.

It might be a regression in upstream U-Boot, so if it's straight
forward I suggest sending a patch there. From a Fedora PoV all the
ODroid stuff is community supported as we get zero input from either
ODroid or the silicon SoC teams and they have binary bits we (the
Fedora project) can't redistribute. Generally community support means
I'll accept patches for fixes that are going upstream or config tweaks
to things that have been tested but none of the Fedora maintainers
have any of the hardware and we don't generally block a release on the
HW. If you're willing to assist in maintaining the devices I am happy
to help you learn how to do that.

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