Thursday, January 9, 2020

[fedora-arm] Re: RPi 4

On 1/9/20 10:56 AM, Peter Robinson wrote:
>> I know that the RPi 4 is not currently supported in Fedora, while we wait for upstream kernel support for the new Broadcom BCM2711 SOC.
>> However, I now see that there is some support for the BCM2711 in kernel 5.5, and I also see that kernel 5.5 is in rawhide.
> It's been worked on.
>> Thus, I'm wondering if that is sufficient to start talking about Fedora on the RPi 4.
> It's being worked upon. Ultimately I don't tend to talk about it
> widely because most Raspberry Pi users complain if it's not perfect
> with accelerated graphics and a whole bunch of other features and I
> end up with more support requests than I can cope with.

I understand - I recognize that this is a new chip, and it will take some time for full support to make it into the upstream kernel. I certainly don't want to add any work or hassle for anyone.

>> I'm currently running Manjaro on my RPi 4, because they have an aarch64 version, and I wanted an aarch64 machine to experiment with.
>> I'm not sure if the Fedora ARM team plans to support both 32-bit and 64-bit mode on the RPi 4, so any information about that would be appreciated.
> Well I do most of the RPi enablement, and yes, it's intended to
> support it in similar ways to the way we support the RPi 2/3 devices.
>> I'm interested in helping out. If there is something I can do, please let me know.
> What are your capabilities to help out? Are you a kernel developer,
> user space developer etc?

In the past I had done some kernel driver and u-boot work, mostly for Freescale PowerPC chips on proprietary boards. I currently have a few Wandboards with some custom hardware added, running yocto (an ntp clock and a weather station project), so I am familiar with device trees on ARM.

I don't have access to anything beyond the public documentation for the RPi 4.

I'm not sure how the Fedora ARM images are generated, but in the past I used lorax and pungi to generate respins of CentOS 7.


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