Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Re: A Big Idea for a New Decade [was: Minutes for CentOS Board of Directors 2019-12-18 Meeting]

On Tue, Jan 07, 2020 at 07:09:57AM -0500, Neal Gompa wrote:
> > What do you think?
> First, sorry that this email probably doesn't thread will with either
> one or the other target mailing lists... I had to pick one to thread
> with, and other slightly loses. The downside of the initial email not
> being sent to both MLs at once. :(

Yeah, I decided to send the message to both lists roughly simultaneously
rather than cross-post because I figured only a few of us are subscribed to
both. I see you went the other way, so we'll see how that goes in this
subthread. :)

> In concept, I certainly see value in bringing CentOS and Fedora
> closer. However, I think eliminating Fedora variants in favor of
> CentOS Stream ones (aka rhel-rawhide based variants) is probably
> premature. There are several issues with doing this as it currently
> stands:

To be clear, I don't think this should be done in a rush. I hope to convince
poeple that it's a good idea in principle and then work to get there.

> 1. CentOS Koji is pretty closed to a couple of folks in CentOS and Red
> Hat. This also includes blocking the download of artifacts from Koji.
> For reasons I don't understand, CentOS is still gated by the RHEL QE
> folks, and thus RPMs built in Koji cannot be downloaded until they are
> finally published. This ruins any testing/development before releasing

I think this is a temporary state while opening up previously-internal
development to CentOS Stream. There are plenty of security and
partner-privacy related issues that need to be solved and I don't blame Red
Hat (or CentOS!) for taking that slowly.

> 2. The CentOS community is simply not mature enough to take on the
> role Fedora does in any meaningful capacity. We already know that this
> is a problem even with Fedora EPEL, and I strongly believe the issue
> would be massively magnified if those transitioned to the CentOS
> Project. The CentOS community is largely a user community that takes

This is an area where both communities can learn from our separate
experiences, expertise, and strengths. Well, this and also your point 3

> What I'm more concerned about is that if you eliminate Fedora from any
> meaningful server based development, you strip all the opportunities

Wait wait wait -- I'm not suggesting that. We *definitely* still need a
voice for server development in Fedora. I'm just not sure a user-focused
Edition is the right thing for it. Although I agree that Fedora has advanced
leaps and bounds in terms of being suitable for server use in the
Fedora.next era (and therefore a better upstream for RHEL and CentOS!), none
of the user-focused feature ideas of Fedora Server (like Roles) really

> doesn't, it's fixable! That last part is key. With CentOS, it's not,
> because it has to bounce back into Red Hat first. And Red Hat doesn't
> really care about issues discovered by CentOS users, and there are no
> "CentOS developers".

CentOS Stream is about changing that -- the caring about issues discovered
by users, at least, and possibly to some degree development, although not
"major release" development.

> So, what this long email is actually saying is that I think it's an
> interesting idea to bring the two projects together, but eliminating
> aspects of Fedora in favor of CentOS is premature because CentOS has
> not actually developed as a community project. Maybe it's worth
> revisiting after six years of actual community development?

I guess I'd like to get us working together sooner rather than trying to
reconcile after another six months or a year, where decisions made for
perfectly good reasons could end up making things harder later.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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