Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Re: A Community Change process to mirror the System Change process

Thanks, Ben!

On Wed, Apr 01, 2020 08:40:16 -0400, Ben Cotton wrote:
> Ankur opened this ticket[1], but I want to bring the discussion to the
> mailing list because I think that's a better venue for open
> discussion.
> [1]
> My initial response:
> The biggest question I have is "where is the whole community"? There's
> not a good way to reach everyone (assuming we even have a good
> definition of what "everyone" means, which I'd argue we don't).

The whole community is all over the place. BUT, announce/devel-announce
are official channels that community members that want to keep up with
announcements can subscribe to. This works well for the dev change

> I think the bigger problem is people not paying attention to the
> broader community. I get this; many of us are volunteers and we only
> have so much time that we can devote. I'm not sure adding process gets
> us much value here until we have a better way of getting the message
> out.

Basically, I've been wondering why the motivation for the dev change
policy is not relevant to community changes. Honestly, all of it applies
but we don't have a community change process yet:

As you've said in your next e-mail, the idea here is not to copy the dev
change process, but it does serve as a rather excellent example of what
works. Perhaps it can trimmed to remove the unnecessary bits: a
community change surely won't require FESCo discussion, for example.

Ankur Sinha "FranciscoD" (He / Him / His) |
Time zone: Europe/London

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