Thursday, July 15, 2021

Re: Localization at Nest?

On Thu, Jul 15, 2021 at 5:42 PM <> wrote:
Le 15 juillet 2021 10:11:25 GMT+02:00, Andika Triwidada <> a écrit :
>On Wed, Jul 14, 2021 at 5:01 AM Jean-Baptiste
>> * Fedora websites & documentation translation -> I think Indonesian
>> translators would be great representative here!
>What's so special about Indonesian translation/translators? :D
it is an attempt of positive discrimination! As far as I know, you did a huge work in translating Fedora documentation, which makes you the best candidates to talk about it!

It may be an occasion to promote your work, and to send the messages you want to the community also writing the docs.

I'm able to do it, but others are legitimate to talk about it too. Only experience matter, and there is a lot of experienced people here, whatever the language.

Thank you for your confidence in me and my work. I'm willing to do a presentation about translation.
Since I'm not familiar with Flock nor Nest, could you suggest what kind of session I should propose?
Lightning talk? Sesion 25 minutes? Or other?

Andika Triwidada

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