Monday, April 4, 2022

[fedora-arm] Re: Clarification of RPi 4 support

On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 6:29 PM Ben Cotton <> wrote:

> Okay, I'll put together a PR when I'm back from an appointment and
> share here to make sure I'm not saying anything objectionable.

PR is open:

I took the list from the wiki page and added a note that calls out the
current state of the Pi 4. Happy to make changes if anything is wrong.

On Mon, Apr 4, 2022 at 1:32 PM Peter Robinson <> wrote:

> I'm not against it if whoever created it will actually commit to
> engaging with the arm SIG to maintain it, I for one don't even know
> where the git repo is or who I have to bother when it's wrong, which
> as the maintainer I find it extremely annoying that I have no idea who
> it is.

The Docs team curates the Quick Docs, although a lot of the content is
of the drive-by contribution variety. The team was...largely
theoretical for a while, but it's coming to life again, which should
help with coordination. In any case, on each docs page, there are
icons in the upper right that will show you the revision history, page
source, and link to file a bug in the appropriate repo.

I'm happy to drop in on tomorrow's ARM SIG meeting to discuss it.


Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
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