Hey Fedorans,
As most of you might know, we have Fedora testing events happening where you all
can participate. As of today, we are running 3 events in parallel.
1. Kernel 5.17 Test Week [0]
2. Fedora 36 CoreOS [1]
3. Fedora Cloud Test Day [2]
These are events that are easy to start off if you are new to Fedora
and some of them
even reward you with a Fedora Badge as token of gratitude and reward
for your time and energy
that you spent contributing!
The wikis below will guide you through the instructions and how to
participate. In case of an
unlikely event of things not working as intended. File a bug and if
you have any questions,
reach out to @test list directly.
In the coming week, we have two of the most community impacting topics
that we will test for
the Audio and Upgrade path to Fedora 36 from Fedora 35 and Fedora 34.
More details can you found
in this Fedora Magazine Article[3]
[0] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2022-04-03_Kernel_5.17_Test_Week
[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:Fedora_36_CoreOS_2022-04-04
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Test_Day:2022-04-08_Fedora_36_Cloud_Testday
[3] https://fedoramagazine.org/contribute-at-the-fedora-kernel-5-17-coreos-cloud-iot-and-audio-test-days/
Fedora QE
test-announce mailing list -- test-announce@lists.fedoraproject.org
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