Wednesday, July 13, 2022

[389-users] Re: Retro Changelog trimming not working

On 13-07-2022 13:39, Kees Bakker wrote:
On 13-07-2022 13:01, Kees Bakker wrote:

In other words, with I don't get to see the message with first_time and cur_time. I'm
quite puzzled how that can happen. The code is like this (stripped a bit):
    if (!ts.ts_s_trimming) {
        int must_trim = 0;
        /* See if we need to trim */
        /* Has enough time elapsed since our last check? */
        if (cur_time - ts.ts_s_last_trim >= (ts.ts_c_max_age)) {
            /* Is the first entry too old? */
            time_t first_time;
            slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, RETROCL_PLUGIN_NAME,
                          "cltrim: ldrc=%d, first_time=%ld, cur_time=%ld\n",
                          ldrc, first_time, cur_time);
            if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ldrc && first_time > (time_t)0L &&
                first_time + ts.ts_c_max_age < now_maxage)
                must_trim = 1;
        if (must_trim) {
        } else {
            slapi_log_err(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, RETROCL_PLUGIN_NAME,
                          "retrocl_housekeeping - changelog does not need to be trimmed\n");

Puzzled, because I don't understand why "cur_time - ts.ts_s_last_trim >= (ts.ts_c_max_age)"

Unless, ...
cur_time is the relative time since start of the server (not sure if this is true,
but the code in eq_call_all_rel() seems to suggest it)
ts.ts_s_last_trim is 0 at startup

Shouldn't we compare "first_time" with the current (non-relative) time?

First an answer to Pierre's question
I had nsslapd-changelogmaxage set to 480d. (The reason for that is that I just want to trim
the small subset.)

I changed maxage back to the default 2d. Now I see the this message, quickly after restart.
Jul 13 14:33:13 ns-slapd[141407]: [13/Jul/2022:14:33:13.806790126 +0200] - DEBUG - DSRetroclPlugin - cltrim: ldrc=0, first_time=1615990532, cur_time=12006600
I'm now convinced that the logic is (still) flawed. There is still a mix of UTC time and relative time.
        int must_trim = 0;
        /* See if we need to trim */
        /* Has enough time elapsed since our last check? */
        if (cur_time - ts.ts_s_last_trim >= (ts.ts_c_max_age)) {      <<<< wrong condition
            /* Is the first entry too old? */
            time_t first_time;
            time_t now_maxage = slapi_current_utc_time(); /* real time for trimming candidates */


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