Saturday, November 12, 2022

[389-users] Re: FileDescriptors exhausted

What version of 389-ds-base are you using?

In newer versions we automatically set the server FD limit to the
maximum allowed per process.  This can be seen in the errors log at
server startup:

For example:

    [09/Nov/2022:16:23:07.100244932 -0500] - INFO - main - Setting the
maximum file descriptor limit to: 524288

389-ds also has no issues with handling 1000's of concurrent
connections.  So I suspect this is just a tuning issue, but let us know
what version you are running so we can give you the proper tuning advice.

Now if you have issues with idle/stale connections, or bad clients, then
look into tuning nsslapd-ioblocktimeout (e.g. 10000 => 10 seconds), and
maybe nslapd-idletimeout.


On 11/11/22 9:25 AM, Tobias Ernstberger wrote:
> Hello,
> we're observing the following error message:
> "ERR - accept_and_configure - PR_Accept() failed, Netscape Portable Runtime error -5971 (Process open FD table is full.)"
> Looks like the file descriptors are exhausted, probably mainly used by incoming TCP Connections (based on our investigation regarding open FDs).
> We've set (and checked using the runtime information in /proc/PID/limits) the ulimits and the nsslapd-maxdescriptors to many thousands (while having about 1000 open connection regularly)
> We are investigating in multiple directions here, and have some questions - any input is appreciated:
> 1) We acknowledge that exhausted FDs prevent additional connections to be opened. But we also see, that existing connections are getting unusable, too. Is this a known behaviour? Can this be avoided?
> 2) Is there any chance to limit the number of open connections (lower than the max FDs)? (trying to achieve that existing connections still work)
> 3) What are best practice to prevent the ldap server from getting completely useless (until restart) if a client opens many connections?
> 4) Any additional remarks to prevent this situation?
> Kind regards
> Tobias Ernstberger
> IBM Security
> IBM Deutschland GmbH
> Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Sebastian Krause
> Geschäftsführung: Gregor Pillen (Vorsitzender), Nicole Reimer, Gabriele Schwarenthorer, Christine Rupp, Frank Theisen
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