Friday, November 25, 2022

[Test-Announce] 2022-11-28 @ **16:00** UTC - Fedora QA Meeting

# Fedora Quality Assurance Meeting
# Date: 2022-11-28
# Time: **16:00** UTC
# Location: #fedora-meeting on

Greetings testers!

It's time for a first meeting since Fedora 37 was released! Let's get
together to check in on 37 and 38.

Note that clocks have now gone back everywhere that does daylight
savings time, so the meeting will be at 16:00 UTC (I'm almost sure I
got this right this time). If your clocks changed a while back, the
meeting will be at the same local time as always. If your clocks didn't
change, the meeting will be an hour later in your local time than it
was during the summer.

If anyone has any other items for the agenda, please reply to this
email and suggest them! Thanks.

Note, this may possibly be the last meeting of the year - we may cancel
the meetings in December as a lot of RHers will be on vacation and it's
a pretty slow time of year.

== Proposed Agenda Topics ==

1. Previous meeting follow-up
2. Fedora 37 review, Fedora 38 check-in
3. Test Day / community event status
4. Open floor
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA
IRC: adamw | Twitter: adamw_ha

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