Wednesday, July 17, 2024

[389-users] Re: Replication weirdness with 3.0.1 mdb instance

FYI: Indeed it is a bug.
Yesterday I created to track it and we are working on a fix.
The message may happen or not (depending whether the data have been added through ldap operation or through an import) 


On Wed, Jul 17, 2024 at 8:05 AM Zechmeister Christopher <> wrote:
Good Morning,

I'm having a similar setup - MMR with only 2 backends, both running mdb - and the same problem with online init of replication, suddenly stopping to replicate my ~1300 users at about 520 - slightly varying as far as I remember. And I can confirm, that I saw exactly your message on supplier side. Unfortunately I already removed the instance and switched back to bdb, so I lost my logs...

Best regards

On 03.07.2024, at 16:22, Pierre Rogier <> wrote:

Einige Personen, die diese Nachricht erhalten haben, erhalten nicht oft eine E-Mail von Erfahren Sie, warum dies wichtig ist
I suspect it may be a bug that we are just discovering:
Have you checked the error on the supplier  you are initializing from ?

Are you seeing something like:
[03/Jul/2024:16:07:57.719471684 +0200] - ERR - check_suffix_entryID - Unable to retrieve entryid of the suffix entry dc=example,dc=com

On Tue, Jul 2, 2024 at 8:33 PM <> wrote:
I have several 389ds instances using MMR, but only one at the moment that uses 3.0.1 and the new mdb. It's an instance I'm building from scratch and I script it with config files that are similar to the 2.5 instances. When I initiate replication, what I see is that it finishes without errors but only sends approx. 1000 entries to the consumer (there are over 1M entries). I've looked at all the config attributes that I'm aware of and I'm stumped.
Can you think of anything that would prevent a replication account from sending over more than 1000 entries? Here's a typical snippet from the logs for this:

[02/Jul/2024:17:22:05.137366809 +0000] - NOTICE - NSMMReplicationPlugin - multisupplier_be_state_change - Replica ou=netid,ou=ccit,o=university of arizona,c=us is going offline; disabling replication
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.913831452 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_import_monitor_threads - import dsroot: Import writer thread usage: run: 9.31% read: 69.38% write: 19.17% pause: 0.99% txnbegin: 0.00% txncommit: 1.15%
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.978516129 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_import_monitor_threads - import dsroot: Workers finished; cleaning up...
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.981201324 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_import_monitor_threads - import dsroot: Workers cleaned up.
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.983442852 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_public_dbmdb_import_main - import dsroot: Indexing complete.  Post-processing...
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.985709898 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_public_dbmdb_import_main - import dsroot: Generating numsubordinates (this may take several minutes to complete)...
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.991134437 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_public_dbmdb_import_main - import dsroot: Generating numSubordinates complete.
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.993601582 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_public_dbmdb_import_main - import dsroot: Flushing caches...
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.995667599 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_public_dbmdb_import_main - import dsroot: Closing files...
[02/Jul/2024:17:22:07.997941832 +0000] - INFO - dbmdb_public_dbmdb_import_main - import dsroot: Import complete.  Processed 1097 entries in 3 seconds. (365.67 entries/sec)
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