Saturday, February 8, 2025

List of projects to translate - and new Anaconda UI

Dear translators teams,

tl;dr I updated the component lists we have in weblate:

there is now 4 components lists in Weblate in order to help you to find
what to translate.
This is a suggestion, you can still translate whatever you want :)
While this does not aim at listing every single project, this is a
living list, it can be updated if some key projects are missing.

Fedora project contains key Fedora specific projects (anaconda, media
writer, etc.)
=> As far as I know, this contains the new Anaconda webui that will
replace old Anaconda in Fedora 42 :)

Fedora websites contains non-contributor content

Fedora docs contains key documents to be translated, Fedora project
description and fedora 41/42 specific pages

Fedora upstream contains what I understand to be important Linux wide
projects we host/contribute as Fedora community:

I hope this may help you to know what to translate.

Have a nice day,


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Friday, February 7, 2025

Re: Fedora 42 and XFCE 4.20 TLC

Hi all,

Small update:

* I've submitted the new screenshot to the CMS, needs to be approved/published I suppose:

* RE the writer; turns out abiword is in F42 and is still being maintained here: I've submitted a request to have it re-added to the xfce-office group here:

* I'll work on more wiki additions, but anyone else is more than welcomed to as well :) Here are two additions I think we can add:
* * How to test Wayland (from starting with a fresh install onward):

* * Details on how the Live CD is created with Kiwi. I haven't figured out exactly how that is all done, but this seems like a good spot to start

Thanks to Kevin for the help, and for your suggestion Benyamin! I had no idea the whisker menu developer had made something like that! I'm not trying to be biased towards Abiword (though I personally like the speed/simplicity of abiword), it just seems like the path of least resistance to get back a writer, so I'm happy to support whatever people feel like is best!

Thanks for all your help and thoughts!



On 2/7/25 1:33 PM, Benyamin Limanto via xfce wrote:

Or probably focus writer from the developer of whisker menu of xfce?

I think now days office is big tbh..

As gnome doesn't have office, and xfce does not build one. 😂

I do agree Libreoffice is too big in an ISO for xfce. 😂

Benyamin Limanto
sent from my 红米十二 Pro

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 19:27 Benyamin Limanto <> wrote:

Hello all.

Just curious to ask, will you all consider move using markdown editor like Marker instead of abiword format documents?

Or it's not good migration path for xfce spins?

Benyamin Limanto
sent from my 红米十二 Pro

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 01:51 Kevin Fenzi via xfce <> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 06, 2025 at 01:56:17PM +0000, fetch via xfce wrote:
> Hi all!


> XFCE 4.20 is in Fedora 42, woo! I was thinking this would be a good time to
> do some TLC on the website/docs.

Awesome. Thanks for taking that on.

> For instance:
> * Update the spins ( page with a more
> recent screenshot and update the list of installed applications

This can be done via
ask in for help.
>   * * Abiword is no longer included, for example. Should we switch that and
> Gnumeric to LibreOffice? I personally quite like Gnumeric, so maybe find an
> alternate writer?

Yeah, we have resisted including libreoffice due to it's large size, but
we could just do that. :(

>   * * I've made a screenshot from Fedora 42 Rawhide 20250204.n.0 in the same
> spirit as the current example:
>'. I
> can add that if someone wouldn't mind reminding me how to update the
> page (:

See above. ;)

> * I've also edited (only for English,
> sorry :/). If you happen to glance over it let me know if I've missed
> anything!

Might replace the yum calls to dnf?
and add a bit about testing on wayland in 4.20?

> * I think updating the Live CD page
> ( might be a good idea as
> I heard other spins are moving to kiwi for their image generation; might be
> handy to include the new stuff (:

Yeah, Xfce has actually already moved to kiwi also. ;)

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Re: Fedora 42 and XFCE 4.20 TLC

Or probably focus writer from the developer of whisker menu of xfce?

I think now days office is big tbh..

As gnome doesn't have office, and xfce does not build one. 😂

I do agree Libreoffice is too big in an ISO for xfce. 😂

Benyamin Limanto
sent from my 红米十二 Pro

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 19:27 Benyamin Limanto <> wrote:

Hello all.

Just curious to ask, will you all consider move using markdown editor like Marker instead of abiword format documents?

Or it's not good migration path for xfce spins?

Benyamin Limanto
sent from my 红米十二 Pro

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 01:51 Kevin Fenzi via xfce <> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 06, 2025 at 01:56:17PM +0000, fetch via xfce wrote:
> Hi all!


> XFCE 4.20 is in Fedora 42, woo! I was thinking this would be a good time to
> do some TLC on the website/docs.

Awesome. Thanks for taking that on.

> For instance:
> * Update the spins ( page with a more
> recent screenshot and update the list of installed applications

This can be done via
ask in for help.
>   * * Abiword is no longer included, for example. Should we switch that and
> Gnumeric to LibreOffice? I personally quite like Gnumeric, so maybe find an
> alternate writer?

Yeah, we have resisted including libreoffice due to it's large size, but
we could just do that. :(

>   * * I've made a screenshot from Fedora 42 Rawhide 20250204.n.0 in the same
> spirit as the current example:
>'. I
> can add that if someone wouldn't mind reminding me how to update the
> page (:

See above. ;)

> * I've also edited (only for English,
> sorry :/). If you happen to glance over it let me know if I've missed
> anything!

Might replace the yum calls to dnf?
and add a bit about testing on wayland in 4.20?

> * I think updating the Live CD page
> ( might be a good idea as
> I heard other spins are moving to kiwi for their image generation; might be
> handy to include the new stuff (:

Yeah, Xfce has actually already moved to kiwi also. ;)

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Re: Fedora 42 and XFCE 4.20 TLC

Hello all.

Just curious to ask, will you all consider move using markdown editor like Marker instead of abiword format documents?

Or it's not good migration path for xfce spins?

Benyamin Limanto
sent from my 红米十二 Pro

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 01:51 Kevin Fenzi via xfce <> wrote:
On Thu, Feb 06, 2025 at 01:56:17PM +0000, fetch via xfce wrote:
> Hi all!


> XFCE 4.20 is in Fedora 42, woo! I was thinking this would be a good time to
> do some TLC on the website/docs.

Awesome. Thanks for taking that on.

> For instance:
> * Update the spins ( page with a more
> recent screenshot and update the list of installed applications

This can be done via
ask in for help.
>   * * Abiword is no longer included, for example. Should we switch that and
> Gnumeric to LibreOffice? I personally quite like Gnumeric, so maybe find an
> alternate writer?

Yeah, we have resisted including libreoffice due to it's large size, but
we could just do that. :(

>   * * I've made a screenshot from Fedora 42 Rawhide 20250204.n.0 in the same
> spirit as the current example:
>'. I
> can add that if someone wouldn't mind reminding me how to update the
> page (:

See above. ;)

> * I've also edited (only for English,
> sorry :/). If you happen to glance over it let me know if I've missed
> anything!

Might replace the yum calls to dnf?
and add a bit about testing on wayland in 4.20?

> * I think updating the Live CD page
> ( might be a good idea as
> I heard other spins are moving to kiwi for their image generation; might be
> handy to include the new stuff (:

Yeah, Xfce has actually already moved to kiwi also. ;)

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Thursday, February 6, 2025

Re: Fedora 42 and XFCE 4.20 TLC

On Thu, Feb 06, 2025 at 01:56:17PM +0000, fetch via xfce wrote:
> Hi all!


> XFCE 4.20 is in Fedora 42, woo! I was thinking this would be a good time to
> do some TLC on the website/docs.

Awesome. Thanks for taking that on.

> For instance:
> * Update the spins ( page with a more
> recent screenshot and update the list of installed applications

This can be done via
ask in for help.
>   * * Abiword is no longer included, for example. Should we switch that and
> Gnumeric to LibreOffice? I personally quite like Gnumeric, so maybe find an
> alternate writer?

Yeah, we have resisted including libreoffice due to it's large size, but
we could just do that. :(

>   * * I've made a screenshot from Fedora 42 Rawhide 20250204.n.0 in the same
> spirit as the current example:
>'. I
> can add that if someone wouldn't mind reminding me how to update the
> page (:

See above. ;)

> * I've also edited (only for English,
> sorry :/). If you happen to glance over it let me know if I've missed
> anything!

Might replace the yum calls to dnf?
and add a bit about testing on wayland in 4.20?

> * I think updating the Live CD page
> ( might be a good idea as
> I heard other spins are moving to kiwi for their image generation; might be
> handy to include the new stuff (:

Yeah, Xfce has actually already moved to kiwi also. ;)

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Fedora 42 and XFCE 4.20 TLC

Hi all!

XFCE 4.20 is in Fedora 42, woo! I was thinking this would be a good time
to do some TLC on the website/docs.

For instance:

* Update the spins ( page with a
more recent screenshot and update the list of installed applications

  * * Abiword is no longer included, for example. Should we switch that
and Gnumeric to LibreOffice? I personally quite like Gnumeric, so maybe
find an alternate writer?

  * * I've made a screenshot from Fedora 42 Rawhide 20250204.n.0 in the
same spirit as the current example:'.
I can add that if someone wouldn't mind reminding me how to update the page (:

* I've also edited (only for
English, sorry :/). If you happen to glance over it let me know if I've
missed anything!

* I think updating the Live CD page
( might be a good idea
as I heard other spins are moving to kiwi for their image generation;
might be handy to include the new stuff (:




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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

[Test-Announce]Fedora-IoT 42 RC 20250205.0 nightly compose nominated for testing

Announcing the creation of a new nightly release validation test event
for Fedora-IoT 42 RC 20250205.0. Please help run some tests for this
nightly compose if you have time. For more information on nightly
release validation testing, see:

Test coverage information for the current release can be seen at:

You can see all results, find testing instructions and image download
locations, and enter results on the Summary page:

The individual test result pages are:

Thank you for testing!
Mail generated by relvalconsumer:
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