Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Re: Hello, I'm Adaline!

On Thu, May 2, 2024 at 1:37 AM Adaline Simonian <> wrote:
Hello everyone

Hi Adaline, 

I am new to contributing translations and new to Weblate as well. I am most interested in contributing translations that appear most prominently in the desktop GUI experience on Workstation. However, admittedly, I may not know the best places to start. I've gone through the very helpful documentation for joining the internationalization effort, but admittedly it is also a lot of information to take in. If anyone has any pointers, I would be more than happy to hear them. :)

Many GUI parts used in Fedora come from the GNOME Project. So if you can not
find parts you want to translate in Fedora's translation infrastructure [1], you might be able to find them in GNOME Project's translation platform [2].

Adaline Simonian

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