Thursday, May 29, 2014

[fedora-arm] Fedora Server product delivery

So, I wish we'd noticed this sooner, but hacking at the release criteria
today I happened to notice a bit of a problem in the Fedora Server
product planning.

The Server PRD states
( ):

"Fedora Server will produce two main installation resources, a
netinstall image and an offline install iso image that allows one to
install and configure featured roles offline. "

the Server tech spec states
( ):

"Fedora Server will run on and provide install media for i686, x86_64,
and armv7hl servers.

There will be two official install media for the Fedora Server

A network installation media (either a traditional netinst.iso or a style)
A local installation media providing the default package set as well
as any featured roles that are meaningfully installed without a network
The local installation media will be allowed a maximum size to
fit on a 4.0GB USB device.
The local installation media can be pointed at network resources
to make available a larger package set."

So...we're planning to release Server with ARM as a primary supported
arch, but so far we'd only planned to do two traditional install media
(a netinst image and a DVD-type 'trad installer plus packages' image).
Fedora ARM releases so far have emphasized disk image-type release media
much more strongly than installer release media, and I believe the ARM
installer media only work at all on one particular ARM platform.

So, the reward for work being more work ;), I've been nominated by
Server WG to liaise with ARM team on this one. What should we do here?
Is Server going to have to grow a set of ARM disk image media, or is
there any possibility of it being plausible to release Fedora 21 with
just installer-type images for ARM?

Looking at it in a bit wider scope, what kind of media has the ARM team
been expecting would be part of the Fedora 21 release? If, say, we did
make a set of images just like images done for Fedora releases so far -
the appropriate set of disk images plus installer media for whatever ARM
platforms are 'supported' - only had those be 'Fedora Server' media,
would it be OK to release those as the only Fedora 21 ARM images, or at
least the only official / promoted / supported / whatever set of images?
Or would ARM team also be expecting to have a 'generic' set of ARM
images produced?

I realize that's a lot of questions, sorry! Any thoughts would be
appreciated. Thanks!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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