Wednesday, June 11, 2014

[389-devel] Never mind: Please review: [389 Project] #47763: winsync plugin modify is broken

Please discard my review request. It turned out the "undo" does not
work in some cases.

Noriko Hosoi wrote:
> git patch file (master; take 2) -- Resurrected original
> attr_compare_equal
>> #47763: winsync plugin modify is broken
>> ---------------------------------+---------------------------
>> Reporter: rmeggins | Owner: nhosoi
>> Type: defect | Status: assigned
>> Priority: major | Milestone:
>> Component: Sync Service | Version: 1.3.0
>> Resolution: | Keywords:
>> Blocked By: | Blocking:
>> Review: review? | Ticket origin: Community
>> Red Hat Bugzilla: |
>> ---------------------------------+---------------------------
>> Comment (by rmeggins):
>> Replying to [comment:13 nhosoi]:
>> > Replying to [comment:11 rmeggins]:
>> > > Why change the value comparison to be length aware? This is a big
>> change in behavior. It means e.g. that "fo" == "foo". Is this
>> necessary?
>> >
>> > Since we don't hear from the author, shall I back off the change
>> on this
>> compare function and retest it?
>> > 384 391 attr_compare_equal(Slapi_Attr *a, Slapi_Attr *b)
>> ok

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