Saturday, June 28, 2014

Re: [fedora-arm] disk size and networking on a wandboard?

> So I just started to play with Fedora on my Wandboard. I connected via
> serial cable and booted it up for the first time. It booted nicely
> immediately and asked me to assign timezone and root password, which I
> did. I didn't create a user; I figure I can do that later. So far so good.
> However, I quickly noticed two things:
> 1) It did not resize the root filesystem. I thought it was supposed to
> do that automatically? Did something not run correctly the first
> time or is this a bug in F20?

I'm not sure but I've got a feeling it might have resized the
partition but not the filesystem. The former has to be done before
anything is mounted where the later can be done online with resize2fs.
What does "fdisk -l /dev/STORAGE-DEV report? If it's a using all the
disk you can just use resize2fs to fix the issue.

> 2) Networking doesn't work. I plug it into a network cable and it tries
> to run DHCP but my DHCP server doesn't see any packets and the
> wandboard doesn't come up. I tried to configure it manually and it
> doesn't work. I've tried with multiple cables and it doesn't seem to
> help. I even pulled the cable out of a working machine, plugged it
> into the wandboard, and still nothing (it worked fine again when I
> plugged it back into the original machine).
> The wandboard seems to notice that there is link, but it cannot
> properly transmit anything.

Which kernel? I seem to remember there might have been issues with the
kernel shipped as GA for the wandboard in some cases with network but
TBH it was a long time ago, I would suggest possibly getting the
latest kernel [1] putting it on a usb stick and updating it and see if
that helps.


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