Thursday, June 19, 2014

topics for monday's IRC meeting

We have a number of open tickets in the board private issue tracker. 27, in
fact. I'd like to start closing these or moving them to the public tracker.
Some of these are actually resolved, in some cases in a way that's clear
from looking at the ticket, and others a little more ambiguously. I'd like
to go through some of the ones that are either urgent or easy (or both).

Most of the easy ones I'm going to move to the public tracker, and most of
them just need someone to take ownership -- I'll not list these individually
here, but maybe we could go through them quickly in the meeting (unless we
can cross them off before then!)

I think one of the most urgent (although not easy) is the request for a
Fedora Plasma product. There was an answer from the board, but I don't think
that the KDE team quite felt that it was clear. We should be clear. I also
don't want to hash this out in the meeting (since that's not a great use of
eeryone's time). In the ticket, Josh wrote what seems to be a consensus
proposal on Fedora products in general:

> We stalled on this. The summary of where we left off seems to be a common
> criteria of:
> * Addresses a new, relevant, and broad usecase or userbase that Fedora is
> not currently serving
> * The usecase should be something the Board sees as being a long term
> investment
> * The Product should be coherent with all of Fedora's foundations
> being used for new Product creation. Does that seem accurate?

I'd like to see a simple +1/-1 vote on this (either in the existing private
ticket or in the meeting). And then, if that passes, a similar vote on the
KDE proposal.

If that isn't the actual consensus, or if there are counter-proposals, I'd
really like to have those prepared beforehand (or, worst case, deferred to
the next meeting to vote on). That way we can talk and think about them
outside of the meeting -- IRC meetings can be a frustratingly difficult
medium for coming to agreement.

I'd also like a vote on the proposed guidelines for press releases. (I'll
move that one to a public ticket shortly.)

Are there other issues/requests we should cover collectively in the meeting?

As always, I think we have a lot more to do and talk about as well, but I
think most of that is list discussion at this point, not meeting items.

Also, we had the idea of scheduling guest reports at meetings in the future.
I think this is great -- but also didn't organize that in reasonable time
for this time around. :) Maybe we should plan on that for the *next* IRC
meeting on July 7th? Suggestions for where to start? FAmSCo, maybe?

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
board-discuss mailing list

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