Monday, July 7, 2014

[389-commits] dirsrvtests/tickets

dirsrvtests/tickets/ | 235 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 235 insertions(+)

New commits:
commit 2f2d95b3e3bdbbc73049133ce1766f4873e81ae2
Author: Mark Reynolds <>
Date: Mon Jul 7 19:12:34 2014 -0400

Ticket 47781 - Add CI test

Description: Adding test script to verify ticket 47781.

Reviewed by: rmeggins(Thanks!)

diff --git a/dirsrvtests/tickets/ b/dirsrvtests/tickets/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7bf881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dirsrvtests/tickets/
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import ldap
+import logging
+import socket
+import pytest
+from lib389 import DirSrv, Entry, tools, tasks
+from import DirSrvTools
+from lib389._constants import *
+from import *
+from lib389.tasks import *
+from constants import *
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+installation_prefix = None
+class TopologyStandalone(object):
+ def __init__(self, standalone):
+ self.standalone = standalone
+def topology(request):
+ '''
+ This fixture is used to standalone topology for the 'module'.
+ At the beginning, It may exists a standalone instance.
+ It may also exists a backup for the standalone instance.
+ Principle:
+ If standalone instance exists:
+ restart it
+ If backup of standalone exists:
+ create/rebind to standalone
+ restore standalone instance from backup
+ else:
+ Cleanup everything
+ remove instance
+ remove backup
+ Create instance
+ Create backup
+ '''
+ global installation_prefix
+ if installation_prefix:
+ args_instance[SER_DEPLOYED_DIR] = installation_prefix
+ standalone = DirSrv(verbose=False)
+ # Args for the standalone instance
+ args_instance[SER_HOST] = HOST_STANDALONE
+ args_instance[SER_PORT] = PORT_STANDALONE
+ args_standalone = args_instance.copy()
+ standalone.allocate(args_standalone)
+ # Get the status of the backups
+ backup_standalone = standalone.checkBackupFS()
+ # Get the status of the instance and restart it if it exists
+ instance_standalone = standalone.exists()
+ if instance_standalone:
+ # assuming the instance is already stopped, just wait 5 sec max
+ standalone.stop(timeout=5)
+ standalone.start(timeout=10)
+ if backup_standalone:
+ # The backup exist, assuming it is correct
+ # we just re-init the instance with it
+ if not instance_standalone:
+ standalone.create()
+ # Used to retrieve configuration information (dbdir, confdir...)
+ # restore standalone instance from backup
+ standalone.stop(timeout=10)
+ standalone.restoreFS(backup_standalone)
+ standalone.start(timeout=10)
+ else:
+ # We should be here only in two conditions
+ # - This is the first time a test involve standalone instance
+ # - Something weird happened (instance/backup destroyed)
+ # so we discard everything and recreate all
+ # Remove the backup. So even if we have a specific backup file
+ # (e.g backup_standalone) we clear backup that an instance may have created
+ if backup_standalone:
+ standalone.clearBackupFS()
+ # Remove the instance
+ if instance_standalone:
+ standalone.delete()
+ # Create the instance
+ standalone.create()
+ # Used to retrieve configuration information (dbdir, confdir...)
+ # Time to create the backups
+ standalone.stop(timeout=10)
+ standalone.backupfile = standalone.backupFS()
+ standalone.start(timeout=10)
+ #
+ # Here we have standalone instance up and running
+ # Either coming from a backup recovery
+ # or from a fresh (re)init
+ # Time to return the topology
+ return TopologyStandalone(standalone)
+def test_ticket47781(topology):
+ """
+ Testing for a deadlock after doing an online import of an LDIF with
+ replication data. The replication agreement should be invalid.
+ """
+'Testing Ticket 47781 - Testing for deadlock after importing LDIF with replication data')
+ #
+ # Setup Replication
+ #
+'Setting up replication...')
+ topology.standalone.replica.enableReplication(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX, role=REPLICAROLE_MASTER,
+ properties = {RA_NAME: r'meTo_$host:$port',
+ RA_BINDDN: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_DN],
+ RA_BINDPW: defaultProperties[REPLICATION_BIND_PW],
+ # The agreement should point to a server that does NOT exist (invalid port)
+ repl_agreement = topology.standalone.agreement.create(suffix=DEFAULT_SUFFIX,
+ port=5555,
+ properties=properties)
+ #
+ # add two entries
+ #
+'Adding two entries...')
+ try:
+ topology.standalone.add_s(Entry(('cn=entry1,dc=example,dc=com', {
+ 'objectclass': 'top person'.split(),
+ 'sn': 'user',
+ 'cn': 'entry1'})))
+ except ldap.LDAPError, e:
+ log.error('Failed to add entry 1: ' + e.message['desc'])
+ assert False
+ try:
+ topology.standalone.add_s(Entry(('cn=entry2,dc=example,dc=com', {
+ 'objectclass': 'top person'.split(),
+ 'sn': 'user',
+ 'cn': 'entry2'})))
+ except ldap.LDAPError, e:
+ log.error('Failed to add entry 2: ' + e.message['desc'])
+ assert False
+ #
+ # export the replication ldif
+ #
+'Exporting replication ldif...')
+ args = {'repl-info': True}
+ exportTask = Tasks(topology.standalone)
+ try:
+ exportTask.exportLDIF(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, "/tmp/export.ldif", args)
+ except ValueError:
+ assert False
+ #
+ # Restart the server
+ #
+'Restarting server...')
+ topology.standalone.stop(timeout=5)
+ topology.standalone.start(timeout=5)
+ #
+ # Import the ldif
+ #
+'Import replication LDIF file...')
+ importTask = Tasks(topology.standalone)
+ args = {'wait': True}
+ try:
+ importTask.importLDIF(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, None, "/tmp/export.ldif", args)
+ os.remove("/tmp/export.ldif")
+ except ValueError:
+ os.remove("/tmp/export.ldif")
+ assert False
+ #
+ # Search for tombstones - we should not hang/timeout
+ #
+'Search for tombstone entries(should find one and not hang)...')
+ topology.standalone.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, 5);
+ topology.standalone.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMEOUT, 5);
+ try:
+ entries = topology.standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, 'objectclass=nsTombstone')
+ if not entries:
+ log.fatal('Search failed to find any entries.')
+ assert PR_False
+ except ldap.LDAPError, e:
+ log.fatal('Search failed: ' + e.message['desc'])
+ assert PR_False
+ # If we got here we passed!
+'Ticket47781 Test - Passed')
+def test_ticket47781_final(topology):
+ topology.standalone.stop(timeout=10)
+def run_isolated():
+ '''
+ run_isolated is used to run these test cases independently of a test scheduler (xunit, py.test..)
+ To run isolated without py.test, you need to
+ - edit this file and comment '@pytest.fixture' line before 'topology' function.
+ - set the installation prefix
+ - run this program
+ '''
+ global installation_prefix
+ installation_prefix = None
+ topo = topology(True)
+ test_ticket47781(topo)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ run_isolated()

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