Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Re: [fedora-arm] Audio in Fedora 20 ARM

On Tue, 2014-07-08 at 07:21 +0100, Peter Robinson wrote:
> >> > I bought an Olimex A10S-OlinuXino-MICRO because it had a line in audio
> >> > port. (I want to use the device to do audio recording from a mixing
> >> > board.)
> >> >
> >> > I became very excited when I found that there was a disk image
> >> > specifically for the Allwinner boards since I use Fedora on my machines
> >> > at home. I became a little less excited when I read that only audio
> >> > output is supported. It looks like reading from the line in audio port
> >> > is not supported.
> >> >
> >> > Did I understand correctly? What is the reason for this?
> >>
> >> Got a link to where you read this?
> >
> > Actually, what I read was on a page for the A10 board. It said that
> > output to analog audio and HDMI audio was supported. Really the only
> > thing to conclude is that analog audio in had not been tested.
> Still no link to the details?


Look for supported hardware toward the bottom.

> > I hooked the board up to a tape deck and attempted to record with
> > Audacity and it failed. (My actual reason for thinking that is isn't
> > supported.)
> Have you tried a mic? Was the tape deck via an amp or direct?

Haven't tried a mic. Tape deck was direct connect. I've done this
before with this tape deck and a desktop machine.

> >> Ultimately there's no particular reason. It could be that the upstream
> >> kernel driver doesn't support it yet, or there's not the glue in the
> >> DeviceTree. The Fedora 20 remix, the one I assume you're referring to,
> >> is based on a very old 3.4.x kernel series. Rawhide, which should
> >> support this device with an appropriate uboot, has the 3.16 kernel
> >> which supports this device which might have what you're after.
> >
> > I will look more carefully at the instructions for rebuilding the Remix
> > and see if I can set it up to use the kernel from rawhide. I need to
> > set up for rebuilding anyway so that I can make sure the image has what
> > I need without the stuff I don't need.
> You'd be better of using rawhide directly, it's very stable and it's
> easier for us to assist and fix any problems you may encounter.
> Enhancements are very much focused on rawhide now.

I'll give it a try.

> >> Ultimately I suggest testing it and seeing how you get on. The
> >> AllWinner device support is fairly fast moving and there's literally
> >> 100s of them with all sorts of configurations and it's impossible to
> >> test all combinations of use cases. It'll be easier to work out what's
> >> missing once you have the base install on there.
> >>
> >> Peter
> >
> > Thanks for your quick answer. I noticed that AllWinner support is being
> > added to QEMU ARM, too.
> Not sure what the gives you in terms of your ultimate goal.

It's another data point for AllWinner support being added. Also, it
helps me be able to run in a VM to develop software without constantly
writing SD cards and booting physical hardware.

> Peter

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