Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Re: Survey stuff

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On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 07:53:44AM -0600, Pete Travis wrote:
> On Jul 8, 2014 6:41 AM, "Eric H. Christensen" <>
> wrote:
> The primary language question could be "what languages do you use with
> Fedora? (Select all)" or have a followup question to otherwise reflect the
> degree of multilingual use.

This could be difficult to consume. How many multi-lingual people could breakout their use of each language by %age? The intent behind the question is to determine what languages they use within Fedora. This question can likely be presented better.

> It would also be interesting to get FAS IDs to correlate survey responses
> with the degree of participation. Even "most responders do not contribute,
> have not contributed recently, or declined to provide FASid" would be
> useful. This would make participation at least appear to be a lot less
> anonymous, but doing so would reveal the degree of bias in the results.

So, the original plan was to provide each contributor with a unique code (part of the URL) so we could individualize the inputs and provide accountablility. We would also have specific numbers on how many people we have participating versus not (and maybe we provide a badge for participating). That said, we should still separate the data collected from the people providing the data and not provide a means of tracing back. People should feel free to provide whatever feedback they wish without fear of it coming back to haunt them later.

So I guess we *could* get statistics on the people that did respond to the survey based on their FAS information (again, removing identifying features wherever possible). This could be difficult to accomplish in reality.

> I'd also like to see a primary/secondary/other OS question. Quantifying
> the degree of multiboot activity, and making a distinction between "have
> other platforms to check my code" and "can haz every distro", would be a
> valuable insight.

I welcome specific questions or chains of questions (if answer is 3 then ask this question too) for addition to the survey. I'll caution that we don't want to make this survey too long. The questions should be repeatable over the course of years and should have some strategic purpose.

I'm hoping to spend some time on this on Friday or over the weekend and have some sort of mock up ready for Monday.

- -- Eric

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Eric "Sparks" Christensen
Fedora Project -
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