Monday, July 7, 2014

[Zarafa] Hot and greasy: Zarafa 7.1.10 and pam_mapi 0.2.0 for Fedora EPEL 7

Good evening,

earlier today CentOS 7 has been released [1] - congratulations also from my
side to all contributors for their hard work! Guess what? Also today Zarafa
7.1.10 has been built [2] for Fedora EPEL 7 (well, a few minutes ago).

While looking to Fedora's foundations [3] there is a clear match: First. As
far as I know nobody else - even not Zarafa upstream - has released Zarafa
RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 or CentOS 7...grab them as long
as they are fresh! ;-)

Of course pam_mapi 0.2.0 has been built [4] for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7
and CentOS 7, too.

The packages should reach the repositories tomorrow and are available using
yum via Fedora EPEL 7 like this:

yum install --enablerepo=epel --enablerepo=epel-testing 'zarafa*'

And if you should find bugs or issues, please fill a bug report in Red Hat
Bugzilla as described here:

Your feedback is very much appreciated.



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