Monday, September 12, 2016

Re: [council] #65: Create standard operating procedure for how treasurers interact with budget

#65: Create standard operating procedure for how treasurers interact with budget
Reporter: jflory7 | Owner:
Status: new | Priority: major
Component: General | Resolution:
Keywords: budget |

Comment (by jwboyer):

Replying to [comment:2 award3535]:
> We all need guidance when it comes to what our leadership wants, and
since leadership has shifted twice this year already there is no
consistency with reports, how often reports are due to the council.
standard procedures would greatly help the process and ensure the process
keeps going even when positions change with leadership.

I agree. We have this on the agenda for the Council meeting today. I
won't be solved by the end of the meeting, but we're working on it.

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