Thursday, September 22, 2016

Re: [council] #69: Requesting budget approval for F24 and F25 Translation sprint participants

#69: Requesting budget approval for F24 and F25 Translation sprint participants
Reporter: pravins | Owner:
Status: new | Priority: normal
Component: General | Resolution:
Keywords: |

Comment (by lailah):

Replying to [comment:1 fale]:
> I think this 5€/t-shirt is only for printing and not for shipping.
Probably shipping costs should be added as well.
> Where the t-shirt will be printed? Where are the contributor mainly
located? Will be possible to bulk ship some of those t-shirts?

Yes, the price is for the t-shirts themselves, shipping it's not included.
They will be printed in Czech Republic as they already did this before and
seem to have good price & quality.
In the list, we discussed about using meetings or FAD to distribute the
shirts, so instead shipping to many places (each for contributor), it's
possible to ship all or almost all shirts to a single place and then
distribute them.
I'm not sure if there's any main location to contributors. In example,
Joan Azizaj and myself are in EMEA but there are contributors in Brazil
and India as well.

Hope this explanation helps.

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