Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Re: Introduction mail

Le 21/09/2016 à 19:26, a écrit :
> On 21 September 2016 at 22:16, Buvanesh Kumar <
> <>> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am Buvanesh Kumar from Bangalore. I am currently working at Red
> Hat India Pvt Ltd as a System Engineering intern. I also
> contribute to Fedora QA team in my spare time. My native language
> is Tamil. I love open source and my mother tongue Tamil, so I
> often like to contribute towards bridging the gap between
> technology and my native language. When technology gets updated,
> the changes also need to reflect for people using the technology
> in their native languages. I always use Tamil as a primary
> language in my smartphone, computer. I used to write Tamil poems,
> I also gave speeches in Tamil during my school days and won prizes
> for it 🙂. I am glad to contribute to the Fedora translation team.
> I would like to meet and interact with Tamil translators in the
> Fedora translation team.
> As far as i know here issue is, we do not have active language
> coordinator. Its only one man team. [1] but no activity almost from a
> year. How do we handle this request??
There is no problem, Buvanesh Kumar should try to reach him and know
more about his status. I added him in CC.
Maybe a new contributor will bring back more activity, if he do not wish
to coordinate anymore, we have a process.

Short version (thank you Noriko for this sentence) :
"If there is a current coordinator and you will be taking over the role
with some reason, the current coordinator must agree and post an
announcement of this hand-over to the trans
mailing list. In case the current coordinator is totally unresponsive,
first please contact the administrator."

Full explanation :

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
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