Friday, September 16, 2016

Re: IRC SIG needs external oversight

On 09/16/2016 12:05 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
> Well, yes, but (aside from the Orig poster) everyone else is basing
> their information on things that happened many years ago.

It's still happening, just FYI:

[Thursday, September 15, 2016] [11:16:26 AM EDT] <Southern_Gentlem>
Groan, as always your lack of being responsible comes back to you
eventually you can keep this on that you lock yourself out of the box
[Thursday, September 15, 2016] [11:17:00 AM EDT] <Southern_Gentlem>
we cant fix stupid

I think we need to realize that this happens all the time and not just
3+ years ago or during isolated incidents like the one that prompted
this thread. While OPs themselves might simply find these types of
statements to simply be informative or to "point the user in the right
direction", collectively, the statements are abrasive.

Not having any Fedora IRC SIG tickets open for negative feedback does
not mean that the negative treatment is not happening.

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