Monday, September 12, 2016

Re: IRC SIG needs external oversight

On Sep 11, 2016 9:33 PM, "Máirín Duffy" <> wrote:
> Hi,
> > On Sat, 10 Sep 2016 13:33:07 -0000
> > Ben (aka kk4ewt, Southern_Gentlem) is an op in #fedora-meeting and
> > baned him with this before the ban.
> > Jul 15 20:13:30 <kk4ewt> gnokii,  when you get your network fixed let
> > me know
> Maybe it's a cultural thing on my part, but that reads as a bit passive-aggressive to me.
> The only way he could "fix" his network would be to move to another country. Is that a reasonable option?
<aggressive snip>

I've been told that 'bouncing' disconnects can result from a client trying to simultaneously join too many channels at once - IIRC by RichiH of freenode or another op in an unrelated channel we moderate.  I would consider this type of temporary ban for joinspam to be fairly routine across freenode, and because of the technical issues of joining too many channels, it can even help users to successfully connect to the network.

In general I agree that #fedora could be friendlier - but IRC for many people is a place where they can anonymously and offensively troll others.  A stern operator position can be crucial to maintaining an effective channel in certain situations. 

-- Pete

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