Friday, September 9, 2016

Re: IRC SIG needs external oversight

On Fri, Sep 09, 2016 at 01:38:07AM +0200, Haïkel wrote:
> 2016-09-08 21:47 GMT+02:00 Máirín Duffy <>:
> >
> > On 09/03/2016 03:00 PM, Be wrote:
> >>
> >> The culture on the Fedora IRC channels is hostile and unwelcoming. I
> >> recently asked for technical help in #fedora and most of the responses
> >> were insults. I went to #fedora-ops to report the offending user and was
> >> horrified to see that the user is one of the IRC operators. So, I found
> >> the link to the IRC issue tracker
> >> <> in the #fedora channel topic
> >> and reported my experience at
> >> <>
> >
> >
> > This has been a problem for *YEARS*. I've been through the same exact
> > situation multiple times, I dutifully followed their process of filing a
> > grievance ticket etc. multiple times, and it ended up nowhere.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Good luck to you for trying, but honestly, it's a lost cause. On any Fedora
> > projects I work on particularly websites I am sure to avoid listing that
> > channel or giving it any kind of official blessing, and I also orient the
> > many new contributors I help onboard by warning them to stay away from it.
> >
> > My life has been much happier and better for never going back there again,
> > and it's shameful that it's continued to operate under the name of Fedora. I
> > lobbied very hard to change the situation back then and got nowhere - there
> > are politics here that prevent any sort of cleanup as far as I can tell. If
> > I had the permissions with freenode, I'd just have the channel completely
> > obliterated.
> >
> > I do not say *any* of this lightly.
> I stand behind your statement.
> May I ask the council to consider this as a project-wide goal: "Put
> the Friends back in Fedora"
> A friendlier Fedora community is a key factor to meet our goals.

The #fedora channel is not a friendly place. We point our new-comers to it but I
honestly would prefer to point them to another place because the welcoming there
is for the list, harsh, rude and most definitely not family-friendly (which can
be a problem in some culture).

There has been other attempts to revise a little the climate on the channel,
including from known contributors: (4 years ago)
without much success.

I realize that managing a channel such as #fedora with so many people is a
though job and cannot be managed as smaller channel, but I wonder if some of the
OPs aren't a little 'burned out' by this duty and maybe renewing the team or
part of it would benefit everyone.

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