Monday, September 5, 2016

Re: Making space for the new Live USB Creator

Paul W. Frields píše v Pá 02. 09. 2016 v 18:17 -0400:
> On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 11:07:33PM +0200, Robert Mayr wrote:
> >
> > 2016-09-02 21:23 GMT+02:00 Matthew Miller <
> > >:
> >
> > >
> > > On Fri, Sep 02, 2016 at 02:09:03PM -0400, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> > > >
> > > > So there is work being done in rel-eng to have builds for a
> > > > cross-platform Live USB Creator.
> > > > The Change for Fedora 25 is here:
> > > >
> > > > ryDown
> > > loadable
> > >
> > > What is the *current* place to get it? That page doesn't say, and
> > >
> > >
> > > Live_USB#Using_Fedora_Media_Writer_.28Windows_and_Fedora.
> > > 2C_graphical.2C_destructive.29
> > >
> > > links to, which
> > > doesn't use
> > > "Fedora Media Writer" anywhere, and so does not seem to be right.
> >
> > WHat Matthew says is one of my concerns too, there is no
> > documentation we
> > can take to the website. As I didn't and don't follow this at all,
> > we need
> > someone to provide text for this change. We need to tell people how
> > they
> > have to use it and what they get exaclty. Otherwise people won't
> > use it and
> > will go directly to the old known ISO files, which we will keep on
> > the
> > website too.
> I agree the wiki needs changing too.  We can compile a list of pages
> as part of the overall fixing that needs to happen.
> I don't think we need text first -- I'm happy to write it, for
> instance, but I would rather do that directly using our templates and
> git.  I don't want to send people to the wiki for anything where not
> necessary.  (I do agree we should fix the wiki... I'd just like to
> avoid redirecting more people there.)
> >
> > Other issues we should discuss in a short meeting. Paul, is there a
> > dodle
> > somewhere? Or any proposals which are fine for all of us? I know
> > it's
> > always a mess bringing people from different timezones together,
> > but we
> > should not be so many, or?
> > Thanks for bringing this up here.
> >
> > PS: it's optimistic to have it ready for Beta, IMHO, but never say
> > never....
> I made a whenisgood:
> I think we probably only need Robert, Mo, and myself there, but I'll
> also invite Jiří Eischmann who owns the Change and Ricky Elrod in
> case
> they can attend.

Hi Paul,
all proposed dates and times are difficult for me because we're hosting
LibreOffice Conference in Brno this week and I'm the main organizer...
But if there needs to be someone present from our side, I can send
Martin Bříza to the meeting. He's on PTO from Wed, so the only possible
date for him is tomorrow.


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