Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Re: Re : vFAD Zanata statistics

> Le 13/09/2016 à 17:12, jean-baptiste(a)holcroft.fr a écrit :
> oh, I haven't notice it was a mailing list discussion ;) sorry for a so
> short answer!
> Here are three little graph about contributors :
> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/File:VFAD_F25_Statistics-Zanata.ods
> * We need to understand what the Brazilians did, they have really
> weird stats on three users : danniel, zdenek and fredlima. It can be
> normal, but having a one sentence explanation is mandatory for an article.

I don't think danniel and fredlima are Brazilians, for me they are some kind of aliens with some kind of "super power",
in my region we call that " super power" as "Corujão", that's means doing something during the night, may be they did some translations
during a "corujão" or your stats are wrong.

Daniel Lara and Bruno Zanuzzo invited some people to join the pt-BR translation group and they are doing a great job,
I am proud of them, including fredlima,

Read what Luis Motta said about Bruno Zanuzzo here -> https://fedoramagazine.org/luis-motta-how-do-you-fedora/

trans mailing list

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