Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Re: Re : vFAD Zanata statistics

13.09.2016 23:16 Jean-Baptiste Holcroft <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr> wrote:
> [...]
> * Surprisingly, ANACONDA is in position 24/31 with only 9 languages at
> 100% ! This is _very_, _very bad_, for f24 we had 21 languages at 100% !
> (my source is an extraction from 1st june 2016)

I agree with the opinions that if we had to choose the one most
important package it should be Anaconda. I think the translators
should be encourage to continue their tasks, end of Translation
Sprint does not mean "stop translating now and come back in
half a year" :-)

Indeed, we have only 9 languages at 100% but also 4 languages
(Bulgarian, German, Spanish, Swedish) above 90% so finishing them
should be easy in comparison to other languages.


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