Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Re: Translation of Fedora Guides

Le 14/09/2016 à 08:05, Noriko Mizumoto a écrit :
> On 2016年09月14日 15:29, Marcel Ribeiro Dantas wrote:
>> Well, I'd like to join docs team and be a publisher then, if it's
>> possible. I'm a translator/reviewer for pt_BR and I have no doubt the
>> maintainers for pt_BR would approve a publisher. If not me, someone
>> else. What's the instructions for becoming a publisher/publishing the
>> translated versions?
> afaik, you need to join docs team [1] as you will be bridging trans team
> and docs team (aka becoming docs team member as well). Then gain
> necessary permission(s) from docs team [2]. Please notice that currently
> docs team has the publishing issue, and I am not sure if it is worth for
> you to be a publisher just now. I learned at FLOCK that docs team
> currently is testing new tools for publishing. It might be good to wait
> for it? I feel it is coming in next fudcon :-D
> [1]:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join_the_Docs_Project
> [2]:https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Publishing_a_document_with_Publican
Marcel, if you wish to do this, you may also have a look to this page :

José from french team created it so we can publish local version to
review, without waiting for docs team (who is overwhelmed by work).

I'll be please to help you to spot 100% translated content, you may use
my python script (or the extract I just did for vFAD)

Let me know if you wish to make a followup of things to publish.

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
trans mailing list

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