Tuesday, May 30, 2017

[389-users] Re: enabled account policy plugin and incrace changelog db size

this is my person object and it has lastlogintime (the operational attribute) so if many user bind the lastlogintime information updated so replication is started. now I am changed agreement exclude lastlogintime many replication is not accured. so changelogdb size slowly incrace. but still incrace the size.

2017-05-30 1:05 GMT+03:00 William Brown <wibrown@redhat.com>:
On Mon, 2017-05-29 at 15:05 +0300, Alparslan Ozturk wrote:
> I am remove all agrement. then create new agrement without lastlogintime.
> now are woring propely.  many  thanks for helps.

Glad that resolved it: I don't understand what the issue was caused by
though :(


William Brown
Software Engineer
Red Hat, Australia/Brisbane

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