Thursday, June 8, 2017

[389-users] Re: Migration from OpenLDAP to 389 DS

On 06/08/2017 03:05 AM, wrote:
> Hi, yes, I would need a little more help. Now I delete most of records from exported ldif file, that I have simple file for editing and testing. I also deleted {xx}.
> My ldif file is now:
> dn: cn=itnetmanager, cn=schema, cn=config
> olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'itPrepaidPinSub' DES
> C 'IskratelprepaidPinSub' MUST ( itPrepaidPin $ itDirectoryNumber ) )
> olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'itPrepaidCgPNSub' DE
> SC 'IskratelprepaidCgPNSub' MUST ( itCgPN $ itDirectoryNumber ) )
> olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'itPrepaidSubAccount'
> DESC 'IskratelprepaidSubAccount' MUST ( itDirectoryNumber $ itAccountStatus
> $ itAccountBalance $ itDateOfLastUsed $ itDateOfExpiry $ itLanguageCode $ i
> tUnsucRechargeAtt $ itStatGroupId $ itPrepaidSetId))
> olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'itPrepaidSet' DESC '
> IskratelprepaidSet' MUST ( itPrepaidSetId $ itPrepaidSetName $ itWelcomeMsgM
> ode $ itLanguageMode $ itCbMode $ itRechargeAuth $ itLockAuth $ itRrReqMode
> $ itMaxCallAtt $ itMaxRechargeAtt $ itSimultCallsAuth $ itLowBalanceWarn $ i
> tNearExpiryWarn $ itNegAccBalance $ itMaxAccBalance $ itSuspensionDur $ itMi
> nCallDur $ itLowBalanceValue1 $ itLowBalanceValue2 $ itCnPNDisplayMode $ itP
> repaidSubsType $ itAvailDurMsgAuth $ itAccBalMsgAuth $ itOrgChargeCode $ itV
> alidityTime ))
> olcObjectClasses: ( NAME 'itPrepaidCoupon' DES
> C 'IskratelprepaidCoupon' MUST ( itPrepaidCin $ itCouponSerialNr $ itCouponS
> tatus $ itAmountChargeUnit $ itDateOfValidity) MAY ( itValidityExtension )
> )
> objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
> cn: itnetmanager

You need to remove the "olc" from the attribute name. For 389 it must
be "objectclasses", and "attributetypes"
> If I try to import this ldif, I get error:
> Entry "cn=itnetmanager,cn=schema,cn=config" has unknown object class "olcSchemaConfig"
> I know that 389 DS doesn't have olcSchemaConfig, but I don't know what to set for ofobjectClass.
You would typically use:

objectclass: top
objectclass: ldapSubentry
objectclass: subschema

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