Friday, May 14, 2021

[389-users] Announcing 389 Directory Server

389 Directory Server

The 389 Directory Server team is proud to announce 389-ds-base version

Fedora packages are available on Fedora 32. - Fedora 32 - Bodhi

The new packages and versions are:

  • 389-ds-base-

Source tarballs are available for download at Download 389-ds-base Source

Highlights in

  • Bug and Security fixes

Installation and Upgrade

See Download for information about setting up your yum repositories.

To install the server use dnf install 389-ds-base

To install the Cockpit UI plugin use dnf install cockpit-389-ds

After rpm install completes, run dscreate interactive

For upgrades, simply install the package. There are no further steps required.

There are no upgrade steps besides installing the new rpms

See Install_Guide for more information about the initial installation and setup

See Source for information about source tarballs and SCM (git) access.


We are very interested in your feedback!

Please provide feedback and comments to the 389-users mailing list:

If you find a bug, or would like to see a new feature, file it in our GitHub project:

  • Bump version to
  • Issue 4725 - RFE - Update the password policy to support Temporary Password Rules (#4727)
  • Issue 4759 - Fix coverity issue (#4760)
  • Issue 4656 - Fix cherry pick error around replication enabling
  • Issue 4701 - RFE - Exclude attributes from retro changelog (#4723) (#4746)
  • Issue 4742 - UI - should always use LDAPI path when calling CLI
  • Issue 4667 - incorrect accounting of readers in vattr rwlock (#4732)
  • Issue 4711 - Security Fix - SIGSEV with sync_repl
  • Issue 4649 - fix testcase importing ContentSyncPlugin
  • Issue 2736 - Warnings from automatic shebang munging macro
  • Issue 4706 - negative wtime in access log for CMP operation
--     389 Directory Server Development Team

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