Tuesday, September 21, 2021

[389-users] can't get admin console to connect

I have done many of 389 ldap server setups.

Have a new install, and I can't get for the life of me able to get the admin console to connect to the server.

Message i get is

[Tue Sep 21 14:55:44.279828 2021] [:notice] [pid 1337:tid 140593598555904] [client xx.xx.xx.xxx:61796] admserv_check_authz(): passing [/admin-serv/authenticate] to the userauth handler

Yes, I have read the documentation; i have modified the 

any suggestions?

replace: nsAdminAccessAddresses  nsAdminAccessAddresses: 192.168.1.*  -  replace: nsAdminAccessHosts  nsAdminAccessHosts: *

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