Thursday, May 4, 2023

[389-users] Re: Subsuffixes not displaying

Hello Pierre,


We created a new root suffix on one of our DR servers called dc=oestest,dc=fiu and created a sub suffix ou=testentry,ou=oestest,dc=fiu and still encountered same behavior.


Performing the search ldapsearch -D "cn=manager" -W -b cn=config "(objectclass=nsMappingTree)" displayed the test entry having dc=oestest,dc=fiu as the parent suffix.


dn: cn=dc\3Doestest\2Cdc\3Dfiu,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

objectClass: top

objectClass: extensibleObject

objectClass: nsMappingTree

cn: dc=oestest,dc=fiu

cn: dc\=oestest\,dc\=fiu

nsslapd-state: backend

nsslapd-backend: testoestest



# ou\3Dtestentry\2Cdc\3Doestest\2Cdc\3Dfiu, mapping tree, config

dn: cn=ou\3Dtestentry\2Cdc\3Doestest\2Cdc\3Dfiu,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

objectClass: top

objectClass: extensibleObject

objectClass: nsMappingTree

cn: ou=testentry,dc=oestest,dc=fiu

cn: ou\=testentry\,dc\=oestest\,dc\=fiu

nsslapd-state: backend

nsslapd-backend: testentrydb

nsslapd-parent-suffix: dc=oestest,dc=fiu


Using an ldap browser and using the the manager account with the base dn of the root suffix only displayed the root suffix and not the subsuffix. Similar behavior was seen when running an ldap search with the -s one parameter.  If the ldapsearch was performed with the -s sub parameter, then the OU was displayed. 


It seems that with this version subsuffixes on different databases are not displayed and only OUs from the root suffix are displayed.


Please advise.

Thank you.





Jason Villarroel

Systems Administrator

Florida International University

Division of Information Technology – Enterprise Systems

PC 120

305-348-2687 (Office)

305-348-3686 (Fax)


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From: Pierre Rogier <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 12:41 PM
To: General discussion list for the 389 Directory server project. <>
Subject: [389-users] Re: Subsuffixes not displaying


Note: This message originated from outside the FIU Faculty/Staff email system.


Hi Jason,

In theory you should be able to have the same behavior: 
  Here is a small table that summarizes the behavior.

Old Version

New version


2 suffixes


2 suffixes

subtree search behavior on "parent" suffix

see entries on both suffix

see only parent suffix

see entries on both suffix

see only parent suffix

subsuffix mapping tree attribute: nsslapd-parent-suffix





subsuffix mapping tree attribute: orphan





default when using dsconf backend create –suffix subsuffix
without setting –parent-suffix






IMHO you should first check  the mapping tree entries: i.e ldapsearch -b cn=config "(objectclass=nsMappingTree)"

in your case you should not orphan the subsuffix as you want to be able to able to get the subsuffix entries while searching the parent suffix 




On Wed, May 3, 2023 at 5:56 PM Jason Villarroel <> wrote:


We are having an issue when using an ldap browser or even the ldapsearch command subsuffixes that are on a separate backend database are not displayed when specifying the parent suffix as the base dn.  In previous versions when specifying the parent suffix as the base dn the subsuffixes were listed.  Currently only entries related to the primary userRoot database are displayed.  The root dse also does not display the subsuffixes.


If we run the "dsconf INSTANCE backend suffix set --enable-orphan dbname" command the missing suffix appears in the root dse but still does not appear in when listing the entries in the base dn.


The subsuffixes are accessible if we specify them as the base dn or access them via the built in ldap browser vi cockpit.


You can perform the following ldap search on V11 and V12 and will see the differences in the results:


ldapsearch -D "cn=manager" -W -b "dc=example,dc=com" -s one -x "(objectclass=*)" dn 



V11 returns

# numResponses: 15
# numEntries: 14


V12 returns

# numResponses: 12
# numEntries: 11



Version we have installed




Previous versions we were running







Jason Villarroel

Systems Administrator

Florida International University

Division of Information Technology – Enterprise Systems

PC 120

305-348-2687 (Office)

305-348-3686 (Fax)


Division of Information Technology staff will never ask for your password.

Never email your password or share confidential information in emails.



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