Monday, November 20, 2023

Re: Weblate SSO failure

V Mon, Nov 20, 2023 at 03:37:29PM +0200, Yaron Shahrabani napsal(a):
> Hi,
> I'm trying to access, if I'm not logged
> in I can access the website and see the localization project.
> When I'm trying to sign-in, I'm being transferred to the Fedora IAM/SSO
> login screen, I'm typing my credentials, then I'm seeing some browser
> processing and now the Weblate is inaccessible for a certain amount of time
> (usually about an hour).
> I think I was able to use Chrome to bypass this problem in the past but
> with Firefox it happens each and every time.
> I'm not sure what can I do to resolve this and which logs do I need to
> transfer to allow debugging the issue.
It works for me. But I do not type in the password. I have Fedora Kerberos
ticket acquired before accessing the web page with "kinit
ppisar@FEDORAPROJECT.ORG" command. Also I use Firefox and have enabled storing
cookies for domain.

Maybe deleting cookes and flushing caches from your web browser could help.

-- Petr

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