Monday, June 30, 2014

[389-users] sub-suffix help

Hi folks.


I am building a new 389 DS to replace an openldap directory.


The root dn is known as o=producer ( actually is something else but has been this for the last 10 yrs through 2 previous upgrades and I do not want to change it to o=producers,o=co,o=nz)


So what I want to achieve is to create a sub suffix, ou=webusers,o=producers and ou=staff,o=producers


The idea being the users in webusers will be searched for a web application and the staff users remain unsearched to the outside world.


I can make my sub suffixes no problem in the configuration tab of the 389-console.


But that gives me a blank database, how do I get to the next step of being able to create groups and people inside of this and manipulate this in the directory tab?


Or is there some other way of doing this that I am not seeing?


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but it seems to be lacking in any documentation anywhere.


Best Regards




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