Wednesday, June 11, 2014

[fedora-arm] redis-server hanging on arm

Hi ARM friends,

I'm having an issue with a couple of rubygem packages that run
redis-server inside %check. These packages themselves are noarch, but
whenever they happen to land on an ARM Koji builder, the builds fail.

The problem is documented here: .
redis-server is just hanging forever. As indicated in Bugzilla, the
build just hangs until Koji reaches the time limit and kills the task.

Here's an example where the build hung and I cancelled it: . I then
resubmitted the task to Koji, hoping to land on an x86 builder, and I

Here's where the same build succeeded on an x86 builder: . So the
build can go out to Rawhide now :)

Unfortunately I don't have armv7 hardware to debug this further myself.

What's the right way to solve this?

- Ken
arm mailing list

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