Monday, July 7, 2014

Re: IRC meeting agenda for this afternoon

#fedora-meeting: board (2014-07-07)

Meeting started by mattdm at 17:00:42 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* greetings and hellos (mattdm, 17:00:53)
(mattdm, 17:02:14)

* Ask to update Fedora text (mattdm, 17:04:11)
* LINK: (mattdm, 17:04:16)
* ACTION: cwickert to try to get the page removed (mattdm, 17:06:11)

* Periodic user/contributor survey (mattdm, 17:07:22)
* LINK: (mattdm, 17:07:28)
* ACTION: Sparks to take another swing at this :) (mattdm, 17:33:16)
* Sparks to check in at next meeting (mattdm, 17:34:59)

* spins and desktops (mattdm, 17:42:18)
* ACTION: mjg59 to investigate spins' interest in "better space"
(mattdm, 18:27:09)
* as spins wrangler cwickert to act as board liaison to spins
(mattdm, 18:27:46)
* ACTION: cwickert to bring topic to spins mailing list (mattdm,
* come to cwickert's Flock session " and the future of
spins" (mattdm, 18:30:35)

* Open Floor (mattdm, 18:31:04)

Meeting ended at 18:34:48 UTC.

Action Items
* cwickert to try to get the page removed
* Sparks to take another swing at this :)
* mjg59 to investigate spins' interest in "better space"
* cwickert to bring topic to spins mailing list

Action Items, by person
* cwickert
* cwickert to try to get the page removed
* cwickert to bring topic to spins mailing list
* mjg59
* mjg59 to investigate spins' interest in "better space"
* Sparks
* Sparks to take another swing at this :)
* (none)

People Present (lines said)
* mattdm (104)
* mjg59 (83)
* cwickert (53)
* Sparks (40)
* jwb (33)
* rdieter (15)
* Southern_Gentlem (7)
* zodbot (6)
* inode0 (6)
* abadger1999 (5)
* handsome_pirate (1)
* yn1v (0)
* number80 (0)
* gholms (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4

.. _`MeetBot`:

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
board-discuss mailing list

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