Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Re: Wiki - L10N Maintainer => L10N Coordinator


the section:

Joining Your Fedora Translation Team

is does the same thing than the section:

Add yourself to your language translation team in Zanata

Can you remove one of them?
I think that "Add yourself to your language translation team in Zanata" is more user friendly
but its up to you

I'm waiting this to finish the pt-br version of the guide.
Thank you

Frederico Lima

---- On Qui, 08 Set 2016 03:36:50 -0300 Jean-Baptiste Holcroft <jean-baptiste@holcroft.fr>wrote ----


As agreed in August, I edited wiki pages to reflect the name change from
"L10N Maintainer" to "L10N_Coordinator".

I did minor modification (words and added a new role) to

I did minor modification (words) to

=> I reordered content (first : the role and responsibilities, then
the process)

=> removed outdated stuff and moved it to
I also have to clean content related to transifex, some will end up
there so we do not destruct every past content)

Please tell me if it looks better, I'm confident it respect how we
works. Do not hesitate to suggest improvements.

About cleaning, a few teams decided to translate L10N content, please
update your links and content :

Please note that translating wiki is very painful, I personally do not
suggest to translate internal team processes.

btw @Italian team, please have a look to this page

Please tell me if it can be deleted or moved to

thank you everyone for your help

Jean-Baptiste Holcroft
trans mailing list

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